Friday, March 18, 2011

Proverbs 18:24

Proverbs 18:24 "A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."

The past few weeks I have been struggling with not being satisfied in friendships. Not that I cannot talk to my friends, but that I felt as if no one really understanding or really listening, even if they were. What I was desiring was for someone to be there for me to pour my heart out to and just listen and then be blunt and completely honest with me. Yet I felt like I was not getting that from anyone.
What I was missing is that I was putting people before God. I was not letting Him be my bestfriend. I was taking advantage of the blessings He put in my life and getting frustrated when I was not getting what I wanted out of it. This past wednesday when I was doing my quiet time I came across this verse, Proverbs 18:24. I have heard it before and even read it during one of my quiet times a while back. But I never really fully understood it till now. People are going to let you down. They are going to forget, lie, stab you in the back, come and go BUT, God will never leave your side. What a incrediable thought that is! There is someone who is going to be there no matter what. Thinking about that reminds me of a quote by Clayton King. In his book Surrounded by the Sacred he says, " The struggles and losses of life can bring us to the point where we get worn down by the press and pull of this fallen world and ask God for an exemption- a break, a vacation,a free pass. But that is seldom how God works, He offers us something much more tangible, a companion. Instead of letting us aviod the valley of the shadow of death He makes us walk right through the middle of it with Him by our side." How unworthy I am to even have a friend like that. I am blessed with so many people who are visable in my life, but I am blessed even more to have a companion who, though I cannot see Him, is with me every second of every day!

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