Our student ministry at our church just got back from a week long camp. I love going to Crossroads because you not only get close with your fellow piers but you get to see the part of your life you are holding back from God, and you get a chance to change it!
This year one of the speakers (Clayton) was talking about having complete peace and no matter what he was going through he knew God was there.I have been longing for that feeling of complete peace! God put that desire into my heart and I knew there was something that was blocking it. I have a tendency to control my life, okay I do control my life. I am a very structured person and whenever something is wrong I have to fix it other wise my day will end up being completely chaotic. (Well inside that is).
After Clayton finished speaking Carl Cartee got up there and started worship. I never truly read the words with meaning, but that night each song, each word, had a beautiful meaning. The one phrase that stuck out to me the whole night was " Take my life and let it be all for you and for your Glory, take my life and let it be yours". Right then I knew that I needed to let God have complete and total control over my life. Instead of taking the driver seat, I need to take the passenger seat.
I noticed when I controled my own life it brought me no where. Honestly it lead me down a path to rock bottom. Whenever God lead me to do something I would do it half heartedly or even be bitter and only let God work through me a little bit. I am excited to see how much God can truly use me and I am ready to do it whole heartedly and by completely surrendering my life to Him!
"Here I am Lord! Send me!"