Saturday, July 3, 2010


As most of you know I will be leaving in a little more than a month. For some reason me leaving came with me starting to drift from everyone. It's definitely not on purpose, it is just a way for me to get used to not being around all of you most of the time. If I have seemed distant lately and "out of the loop", I really do apologize. For me its survival to do this, because otherwise I will become very homesick. I'm not leaving for 2 weeks or even a month, this will be for a couple of months and I am not sure how I am going to cope (sp). I know sometimes I don't seem to really be a part and do my part, but I honestly sometimes don't have the heart to. I know that this is where God wants me to be and go, but at the same time a part of me wants to stay and be a part of y'alls lives while we are in college (or for some still in high school,maybe even middle). I do not want to forget the memories and the impact that all of you have had on my life. I know that those never go away, but I know when I come back to visit or even if I move back things will never be the same.

On a more positive outlook, I know that this will be a growing process. It is going to be Great (not good or bad) change and I will be one step closer to doing what God called me to do as a job! We will all be a step closer through this journey here on earth and I can't wait to see what God does in all of your lives! I will be praying for each and every one of you nonstop!!! I am here now and God has blessed me with this last more than a month to spend time with you all!! I am ready to cherish it more than ever!

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